Mimi Donaldson Trains Speakers for Max Impact

Mimi Donaldson is a fireball with a stage presence that will not be forgotten.  Her years of working with celebrities, politicians, founders, and professional speakers and authors is amazing.  She trains TEDx speakers, as well.  In this special episode, she shares with a panel of business and professional women who all speak often exactly what the breakdown of a talk should be.  Starting with the way you make an audience feel comfortable right down to the call to action, there’s a formula, and it’s surprising how many of us get the very first bit backwards.  Lots of takeaways in this episode. 

Mimi shared at the end of the podcast that she does 30 minute complimentary consultations for speakers and you can sign up for the sessions on her website.  Link below.

Special Thanks to our Panel of Co-Hosts listed to the left with their Linkedin Profiles linked.


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