Chuck Moyer and Task4Pros Elevate Tech Solutions for Staffing

Chuck Moyer is the President for Task4Pros, a unique tech-based flexible staffing solution based in the United States. The company has been blowing away industry standards on traditional challenges like no-shows, improperly trained or categorized staff, turnover, and start-up times. What started as more of a manufacturing industry solution has quickly become a solution that’s now moving around to other spaces and even into remote working situations. Chuck shares details with Frontrunners Innovate host, Mary Kurek, and co-host, Marc Freedman, Co-Founder of Evolved Profits headquartered in Florida.


Special thanks to Marc Freedman for Co-hosting.

Major Point:

When you know what the challenges are, the door is open for innovation that leads to industry-changing standards.  Task4Pros acted on that knowledge. They got busy solving a lot of the problems companies and workers were having.

  • Companies not categorizing workers correctly from a compliance standpoint.
  • Companies not being able to fill shifts fast enough or with correctly-trained staff.
  • Companies getting “ghost” staff – disappearing at breaks or not showing up when assigned.
  • Companies not knowing where staff members were (with equipment).
  • Workers not being able to incorporate working with family obligations.
  • Workers not being able to work the number of hours good for them.
  • Workers not being trained or prepared for assignments.
  • Workers not being or feeling managed appropriately.

Meet Chuck Moyer

Info for Chuck Moyer and Marc Freedman

Chuck Moyer and Task4Pros Elevate Tech Solutions for Staffing

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