Our Products

Coaching & Consulting Packages

Our Help Packaged Up for Different Interests:

Different from our engagement with clients on projects or to assist with challenges, the  offerings on this page would be more for the do-it-yourselfers who’d like to learn to expand their own businesses.  Connecting people to build business relationships is a true skill.  It’s not just an simple referral.  You need to know and care about the people involved and the reason why it makes sense to connect them.  You can’t get good at that without doing some coaching and consulting with all parties.  So, we decided to put together what we know with a bit of what we do and create some solution packages that put our expertise to work for you.  Check it out below. 

New Directions and Opportunities Consulting & Development

A level of success breeds desire to open doors to new directions and see where your business can expand. But, the frustrations of trying to run operations while finding the time to explore new plans can be overwhelming. Access to a network of broadly diverse relationships and a guide to help you get those doors to open will make new opportunities easier and less stressful.

Here’s how this Package Works:

  • (3) 1-hr private sessions held virtually with global business developer Mary Kurek.
  • Starts with an assessment of your business interests and current network.  We  look at your goals and who you need to help you reach them.
  • We’ll set up a few introductions.
  • 4th bonus session (optional) with a business development panel to super charge your goals.
  • Let’s do this!  Click here for details.
  • (The link above gives you a $99 Frontrunners Discount.)

Biz Dev Brainstormer Session

Confidential brainstorming with a professionally-trained business coach who is also an experienced business developer with a huge globally-diverse network of resources with expertise and opportunities is a great way to spend some quality time for your business.  This is the  refreshing next step for gaining new perspectives you need.  It doesn’t matter if you are stuck, need to validate your own thinking, or want to fast track some ideas with “how to” actions.  The space is wide open for you to explore and gain momentum.   

Here’s how this Package Works:

  • Single virtual session: 1 1/2 hr with global business developer Mary Kurek.
  • Starts with a focus on your “gap” – where you are now – where you feel you are headed and why.
  • Concentration on the assets and resources involved in the situation.
  • Identificaton of possibilities and pathways for action.
  • Quick-start biz-dev introduction if appropriate

You are an entrepreneur already – the intention here is to get you quickly to the point of finding the momentum you need to move ahead with the value and impact you want to create.  

Ready Set Go!  Click here for details

Indie Business Developer Coaching Package

Mary has really laid the groundwork for success with a plethora of information and a great format to help us monetize our professional connections.

Cindy Blizzard Fields, Children's Empowerment Coaching & John Maxwell Life Coaching Team

We get asked often to coach people into doing what we do, and we don’t mind.  There’s room for everyone; in fact, the more there are like us working on opportunities and matching up good solutions, the better it is for everyone.  We tend to work together to get things done and when the project and people involved are the right fit, commissioned partners are welcome.  So, if you are thinking you’d like to explore, we have a coaching package for you.  

Here’s how this Package Works:

  • (3) 1-hr virtual private sessions with global business developer Mary Kurek.
  • Starts with seeing what opportunities are already hiding in your current network.
  • Focus on how to approach business development in a way that flows well with your current business.
  • Work on developing out your current network to be more supportive as a “product.”
  • Work on spotting the “gaps” and creating opportunities where there are none.
  • Do’s and Don’ts and Q & A  

If you tell yourself that you are already making referrals for clients as “sort of” part of your business – THIS isn’t THAT!  This is another level of engagement that is a gamechanger.  If you’re ready…Click here and let’s get you moving



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